
Quiz Results for: Prepositions (Charles Kelly)

Quiz Score: 93%  (13 / 14)  Remaining: 0  Correct: 13  Wrong: 1
Game Points: 1110 (out of a possible 1170)
Total Time: 156 seconds.

and  on the other quiz 20/20

When the professor ask me to do this assignment I though I probably won't have anything to say about it at the end. Boy was I wrong!  my result in each part (good or bad) were exactly the opposite as what I though and this is very surprising, how can I be bad in what I though I was very good and the other exact way around!? Any ways, here is...

Grammar exercises

Sentence Fragments

1.       F

2.       C

3.       C

4.       F

5.       C

6.       C

7.       F

8.       C

9.       F

10.   C

11.   F

12.   F

13.   F

14.   C

15.   F

16.   F

13/ 15

Run-ons, Comma Splices, and Fused Sentences

1.       He enjoys walking through the country and he often goes backpacking on his vacations.

2.       He often watched TV when there were only reruns; however, she preferred to read instead.

3.       There weren’t dangerous criminals, but they were detectives in disguise.

4.       I didn’t know which job I wanted; I was too confused to decide.


Subject and Verb Agreement

1.       Is

2.       Is

3.       Are

4.       Are

5.       Doesn’t

6.       Don’t

7.       Is

8.       Lives

9.       Takes

10.   Want

11.   Is

12.   Are

13.   Knows

14.   Are

15.   Is,  are

16.   Is

17.   Are

18.   Are

19.   Were, is

20.   Debate

21.   Lead

22.   Greet

23.   Are


Eliminating Wordiness 1

 2. Bradley Hall is seldom undertaken by student.

3. He dropped out of school knowing that it was necessary to support his family.

4. The new bus schedule will be announced in a few days.

5. There many ways that a student can meet with a foreign student.

6. It is unusual that someone have never told a deliberate lie.

7. When people disobey safety rules; it causes trouble.

8. In a campus rally five students were arrested for disorderly conduct, and others charge for organizing a public meeting without permission.

9.  The most important subject for students are the ones useful after graduation.

10.  In the future college freshmen must be aware of the need to contact an academic adviser concerning their major.

11. In our company there are opportunities for growth, in a aerospace technology company that it is stable.

12. People have different opinions about capital punishment.

Eliminating Wordiness Exercise 2

1.       The cliff dropped to reefs seventy-five feet below, they were barely visible through the fog.

2.       Their car is gassed up, ready for the long drive, it will take all night.

3.       Sometimes Stan went running with Blanche, she was a good athlete from the track team at school.

4.       Taylor brought some candy from Europe. It wasn’t shaped like American candy and tasted kinf of strange to him.

5.       Government leaders like to mention the creation of new jobs. There claim that these indicate a strong economy and don’t mention that low-wage jobs without benefits and security have replace many good jobs

Wordiness exercises 3

A large number of people enjoy reading murder mysteries regularly. These people are not themselves murderers, or would enjoy seeing someone commit a murders, or trying to solve it. They probably enjoy it because: it is a way to escape from the routine of everyday.

To such people murder mystery is realistic fantasy.  It is realistic because normally the people in it are believable people, also because the one who solve the mystery use logic and reason for it. There normally have an admiration for the human faculty and logic.

But murder mysteries are fantasies. The readers of fiction play a game, in which they suspend huma emotions, as pity. If they stop feel pity and sympathy for each victim or terrible horror that such a thing could happen in our world, he would never enjoy reading it. The devoted reader keeps uppermost in mind arriving through logic and observation, as the solution offered in the book.  It is a game with life and death, which hopefully help the reader hide horrors of life and death in the world.


1.       in

2.       in

3.       at

4.       by

5.       on

6.       until

7.       at

8.       for

9.       in

10.   of

11.   after

12.   until

13.   for

14.   by

15.   on

16.   in

17.   at

18.   from

19.   at

20.   since


More prepositions

1.       into

2.       to

3.       on

4.       on

5.       on

6.       toward

7.       onto

8.       in

9.       on

10.   onto

11.   to

12.   into

13.   on

14.   on

15.   in

16.   to

17.   into

18.   on

19.   to

20.   into



    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

